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Baptiste DUMONT
Les articles de Baptiste DUMONT
Forage potential of Thinopyrum intermedium through near-infrared spectrometry and grown in mixture with various legumes
Fagnant, L. , Duchène, O. , Bindelle, J. , Beckers, Y. , Decruyenaere, V. & Dumont, B. (2024). Forage potential of Thinopyrum intermedium through near-infrared spectrometry and...
Investigating the potential of visible and near-Infrared spectroscopy (VNIR) for detecting phosphorus status of winter wheat leaves grown in long-term trial
El-Mejjaouy, Y. , Dumont, B. , Vermeulen, P. , Oukarroum, A. & Mercatoris, B. (2022). Investigating the potential of visible and near-Infrared spectroscopy (VNIR) for detecting...
Evaluation du devenir des produits phytopharmaceutiques en plein champ en fonction des pratiques culturales pour le développement d’une agriculture éco responsable (Sol-Phy-Ly).
Vandenberghe, C. , Blondel, A. , Lacroix, C. , Lefébure, K. , Colinet, G. , Dumont, B. & Pigeon, O. (2022). Evaluation du devenir des produits phytopharmaceutiques en plein champ...
Quantification of leghaemoglobin content in pea nodules based on near infrared hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy and chemometrics
Eylenbosch, D. , Dumont, B. , Baeten, V. , Bodson, B. , Delaplace, P. & Fernández Pierna, J.A. (2018). Quantification of leghaemoglobin content in pea nodules based on near infrared...
Investigating the potential of visible and near-Infrared spectroscopy (VNIR) for detecting phosphorus status of winter wheat leaves grown in long-term trial
El-Mejjaouy, Y. , Dumont, B. , Vermeulen, P. , Oukarroum, A. & Mercatoris, B. (2023). Investigating the potential of visible and near-Infrared spectroscopy (VNIR) for detecting...
Survey data on European organic multi-species livestock farms
Ulukan, D. , Steinmetz, L. , Moerman, M. , Bernes, G. , Blanc, M. , Brock, C. , Destruel, M. , Dumont, B. , Lang, E. , Meischner, T. , Moraine, M. , Oehen, B. , Parsons, D. , Primi,...
3. La fertilisation azotée
Blanchard, R. , Meurs, R. , Vandenberghe, C. , Pierreux, J. , Mahieu, O. , Blondiau, L. , Collin, C. , Reuter, V. , Sinnaeve, G. , Renneson, M. , Abras, M. , Herman, J.-. , Escarnot,...
Le suivi de la lixiviation dans le sol des produits de protection des plantes
Vandenberghe, C. , Blondel, A. , Pierreux, J. , Colinet, G. , Pigeon, O. & Dumont, B. (2021). Le suivi de la lixiviation dans le sol des produits de protection des plantes. Livre...
Survey Data on European Organic Multi-Species Livestock Farms
Ulukan, D. , Steinmetz, L. , Martin, G. , Benoit, M. , Bernes, G. , Blanc, M. , Brock, C. , Destruel, M. , Dumont, B. , Lang, E. , Meischner, T. , Moraine, M. , Oehen, B. , Parsons,...