Test Facility Manager
Olivier PIGEON
- +32 81 87 40 06
- +32 474 81 26 19
Building Rachel Carson
Rue du Bordia, 11 5030 Gembloux Belgique Tel : +32 81 87 40 06 Fax : +32 81 87 40 16Les articles de Olivier PIGEON
Effect of undersown crops and strip tillage at reducing sediment and pesticide surface losses in maize crops
Clément, T. , Degré, A. , Manssens, G. , Foucart, G. , Blondel, A. , Pigeon, O. , Huyghebaert, B. & Bielders, C. (2024). Effect of undersown crops and strip tillage at reducing...
Full scale collaborative trial for the determination of bifenthrin, chlorfenapyr and piperonil butoxide content in Long-Lasting Insecticide-treated Nets (LN/ITN).
Baes, M. , Ardito, V. , Rathinam, S. , Samiappan, A. & Pigeon, O. (2024). Full scale collaborative trial for the determination of bifenthrin, chlorfenapyr and piperonil butoxide...
Subjects from the 23rd JMPS Closed Meeting
Pigeon, O. , Geiser, C. & Bura, L. (2024). Subjects from the 23rd JMPS Closed Meeting. Lecture in: 19th Joint CIPAC/FAO/WHO Open Meeting, Wageningen, Netherlands, 17 June 2024.
Projet SuRiPest : Mise en place de deux réseaux de surveillance des pesticides dans l’air ambiant et les sols wallons pour une meilleure évaluation du risque sanitaire
Blondel, A. , Pigeon, O. , Thiry, C. , Ruthy, P. & Jacquemin, P. (2024). Projet SuRiPest : Mise en place de deux réseaux de surveillance des pesticides dans l’air ambiant et les...
Subjects from the 22nd JMPS Closed Meeting
Pigeon, O. & Laszlo, B. (2023). Subjects from the 22nd JMPS Closed Meeting. Lecture in: 18th Joint CIPAC/FAO/WHO Open Meeting, Braunschweig, Germany, 19 June 2023.
Subjects from the 20th and 21st JMPS Closed Meeting
Pigeon, O. & Laszlo, B. (2022). Subjects from the 20th and 21st JMPS Closed Meeting. Lecture in: Virtual Meetings held on 24-25 / 28-29 June 2021, 26-29 October 2021 and 7-10 June...
Subjects from the 18th JMPS Closed Meeting
Pigeon, O. & Müller, M. (2019). Subjects from the 18th JMPS Closed Meeting. Lecture in: 16th Joint CIPAC/FAO/WHO Open Meeting, Braunschweig, Germany, 17 June 2019.
Evaluation du devenir des produits phytopharmaceutiques en plein champ en fonction des pratiques culturales pour le développement d’une agriculture éco responsable (Sol-Phy-Ly).
Vandenberghe, C. , Blondel, A. , Lacroix, C. , Lefébure, K. , Colinet, G. , Dumont, B. & Pigeon, O. (2022). Evaluation du devenir des produits phytopharmaceutiques en plein champ...
Spatial and temporal variations of currently used pesticides (CUPs) concentrations in ambient air in Wallonia, Belgium
Habran, S. , Giusti, A. , Galloy, A. , Gérard, G. , Delvaux, A. , Pigeon, O. & Remy, S. (2023). Spatial and temporal variations of currently used pesticides (CUPs) concentrations...