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Rôle du charbon de bois dans les milieux de culture de tissus végétaux.
Misson, J.P. , Boxus, P. , Coumans, M. , Giot-Wirgot, P. & Gaspar, T. (1983). Rôle du charbon de bois dans les milieux de culture de tissus végétaux. Med. Fac. Rijksuniv. Gent,...

Micropropagation of fruit trees.
Druart, P. & Boxus, P. (1983). Micropropagation of fruit trees. Poster in: EEC workshop on "Tissue culture techniques in plant breeding". Cambridge (United Kingdom), April 11-13.

Organogenesis and embryogenesis of fruit trees.
Druart, P. (1983). Organogenesis and embryogenesis of fruit trees. Poster in: EEC workshop on "Tissue culture techniques in plant breeding". Cambridge (United Kingdom), April 11-13.

Relative sensitivity of eleven winter barley cultivars to barley yellow mosaic virus
Maroquin, C. , Cavelier, M. & Crohain, A. (1983). Relative sensitivity of eleven winter barley cultivars to barley yellow mosaic virus. Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen...

Trial of field treatments against cereal aphids with mycelium of Erynia neoaphidis (Entomophthorale) produced in vitro
Latteur, G. & Godefroid, J. (1983). Trial of field treatments against cereal aphids with mycelium of Erynia neoaphidis (Entomophthorale) produced in vitro In: Aphid antagonists....

Potato. Production of setts. Leaf roll and the 'ELISA' test
Fouarge, G. & Maroquin, C. (1983). Potato. Production of setts. Leaf roll and the 'ELISA' test. Revue de l'Agriculture, 36: (3),

Application of in vitro culture to the vegetative propagation of the chrysanthemum cultivar White Spider
Dabin, P. , Choisez-Givron, D. & Dekeyser, A. (1983). Application of in vitro culture to the vegetative propagation of the chrysanthemum cultivar White Spider. Bulletin de la Societe...

Cereals. Current production techniques in intensive cereal cultivation. Sowing techniques, nitrogen fertilizers, protection against lodging and disease. Winter wheat
Crohain, A. , Rixhon, L. , Couvreur, L. , Bodson, B. , Poelaert, J. , Falisse, A. , Nyst, P. , Dohet, J. , Haquenne, W. , Meeus, P. , Seutin, E. , Latteur, G. , Moens, R. , Cavelier,...

Rapid method of quantitative estimation of primary conidia of Erynia neopahidis Remaud and Henn. (Zygomycetes Entomophthoraceae) produced by mummies of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hom.: Aphididae)
Courtois, P. , Latteur, G. & Oger, R. (1983). Rapid method of quantitative estimation of primary conidia of Erynia neopahidis Remaud and Henn. (Zygomycetes Entomophthoraceae) produced...