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GO Calves - Development of alternatives to white calves production for the valorization of dairy calves

GO Calves - Development of alternatives to white calves production for the valorization of dairy calves

Co-construction, with Walloon dairy farmers, of trials on cattle fattening techniques and the promotion of bovine cattle produced meat.



Prepare the new Sentinel satellite missions to meet monitoring needs in agriculture and forestry.



BIO-based Capsules for the controlled RELEAse of pestiCIDE



Development of decision-support tools for market garden crops based on a disease observation network in Wallonia

Prevalence of key resistance alleles associated with DMI and SDHI  fungicide resistance in European Zymoseptoria tritici populations  in 2022
Scientific publications

Prevalence of key resistance alleles associated with DMI and SDHI fungicide resistance in European Zymoseptoria tritici populations in 2022

Kildea, S. , Heick, T.M. , Hutton, F. , Bataille, C. , Alden, L. , Kaneps, J. , Mäe, A. , Weigand, S. , Zajc, J. , Walker, A. S. & Hellin, P. (2025). Prevalence of key resistance...

ValCerWal: How to improve the VALorisation of CEReals from WALlonia?

ValCerWal: How to improve the VALorisation of CEReals from WALlonia?

Moving towards a greater use of Walloon cereals, by helping them to better satisfy the expectations of local food processors.

CRA-W Info n°83
CRA-W info

CRA-W Info n°83

Winter 2024-2025

The CRA-W is contributing to the fight against man's greatest predator

The CRA-W is contributing to the fight against man's greatest predator

The mosquito is considered to be man’s greatest predator, accounting for nearly 725,000 deaths per year. It is capable of transmitting a series of dangerous – and even deadly – diseases...

How to monitor jewel beetles of the Agrilus genus in Belgium?

How to monitor jewel beetles of the Agrilus genus in Belgium?

Agrilus jewel beetles, and in particular exotic species, are threatening forests in Wallonia. Monitoring them is crucial to prevent major damage.