Technicienne de laboratoire

Vanessa ARDITO
Building Rachel Carson
Rue du Bordia, 11 5030 Gembloux Belgique Tel : +32 81 87 40 06 Fax : +32 81 87 40 16Les articles de Vanessa ARDITO
Scientific publications

Full scale collaborative trial for the determination of bifenthrin, chlorfenapyr and piperonil butoxide content in Long-Lasting Insecticide-treated Nets (LN/ITN).
Baes, M. , Ardito, V. , Rathinam, S. , Samiappan, A. & Pigeon, O. (2024). Full scale collaborative trial for the determination of bifenthrin, chlorfenapyr and piperonil butoxide...
Scientific publications

Deltamethrin + Chlorfenapyr. Full scale collaborative trial for the determination of Deltamethrin and Chlorfenapyr in Technical material (TC) and Long Lasting Insecticide-Treated Net (ITN)
Baes, M. , Ardito, V. & Pigeon, O. (2022). Deltamethrin + Chlorfenapyr. Full scale collaborative trial for the determination of Deltamethrin and Chlorfenapyr in Technical material...
Scientific publications

Evaluation des améliorants de panification sur la rhéologie des pâtes
Ardito, V. (2006). Evaluation des améliorants de panification sur la rhéologie des pâtes. Charleroi - Belgique, Haute ecole Charleroi Europe, pour le titre de Bachelier en agronomie,...