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Les articles de Viviane PLANCHON

Development of decision-support tools for market garden crops based on a disease observation network in Wallonia

FaST Wallonia - Setting up a digital nutrient management tool in Wallonia
To meet the requirements of the new CAP, the Service Public de Wallonie (SPW ARNE) has worked with the CRA-W and UCLouvain to set up the Walloon version of the FaST platform.

AGROMET II: Local and quality weather observations
The AGROMET II project aims at combining the Pameseb reference weather network and the farmers' connected weather stations for a better agricultural weather monitoring in Wallonia.

Potatosmart: for the smart control of potato late blight
The aim of the potato smart project is to develop a SMART system, a decision support tool (DST), to help potato farmers control late blight according to the parasite pressure on each...

Stargate - TowardS an operaTionAl nitRoGen recommendation in potATo based on sEntinel-2
Following the BELCAM project, the STARGATE project aims to develop a methodology to determine the in-season potato nitrogen status using satellite images (Sentinel-2).