DNA based approaches for the species-specific identification of animal material

  • Fumière, O. , Close, R. , Karanam, M. & Berben, G. (2012). DNA based approaches for the species-specific identification of animal material In: Detection, identification and quantification of processed animal proteins in feedingstuffs, Namur, Les presses Universitaires de Namur, 93-102.
Type Book Section
Year 2012
Chapter title DNA based approaches for the species-specific identification of animal material
Book title Detection, identification and quantification of processed animal proteins in feedingstuffs
City Namur
Publisher Les presses Universitaires de Namur
Pages 93-102
Isbn 978-2-87551-029-7
Authors Fumière, O., Close, R., Karanam, M., Berben, G.


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