Effect of bovine colostrum on the serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), the IGF binding proteins-2 and -3 and the thyroid hormones in weaning piglets

  • Boudry, C. , Dehoux, J. , Colinet, F. , Wavreille, J. , Portetelle, D. , Beckers, Y. & Théwis, A. (2010). Effect of bovine colostrum on the serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), the IGF binding proteins-2 and -3 and the thyroid hormones in weaning piglets. Archiv Tierzucht/Archives Animal Breeding, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology, 53: (6), 677-690.
Type Journal Article
Year 2010
Title Effect of bovine colostrum on the serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), the IGF binding proteins-2 and -3 and the thyroid hormones in weaning piglets
Journal Archiv Tierzucht/Archives Animal Breeding, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology
Recnumber 414
Volume 53
Issue 6
Pages 677-690
Date 2010
Endnote keywords colostrum, IGF-I
Authors Boudry, C., Dehoux, J., Colinet, F., Wavreille, J., Portetelle, D., Beckers, Y., Théwis, A.