Effect of cattle diet and manure storage conditions on carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide emissions from tie-stall barns and stored solid manure

  • Mathot, M. , Decruyenaere, V. , Stilmant, D. & Lambert, R. (2012). Effect of cattle diet and manure storage conditions on carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide emissions from tie-stall barns and stored solid manure. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 148: 134-144.
Type Journal Article
Year 2012
Title Effect of cattle diet and manure storage conditions on carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide emissions from tie-stall barns and stored solid manure
Journal Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Label 404
Volume 148
Pages 134-144
Endnote keywords solid manure, nutrient cycle, greenhouse gas emissions, beef heifers, manure storage, animal building
Authors Mathot, M., Decruyenaere, V., Stilmant, D., Lambert, R.
