Effect of living winter cover crops on pesticide concentrations in soil and soil solution in temperate agroecosystems.

  • Vandevoorde, N. , Turine, I. , Blondel, A. & Agnan, Y. (2024). Effect of living winter cover crops on pesticide concentrations in soil and soil solution in temperate agroecosystems. Poster in: Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences, Florence, Italy, May 19-21, 2024.
Type Poster
Year 2024
Title Effect of living winter cover crops on pesticide concentrations in soil and soil solution in temperate agroecosystems.
Event name Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences
Event location Florence, Italy
Event date May 19-21, 2024
Lien https://centennialiuss2024.org/
Authors Vandevoorde, N., Turine, I., Blondel, A., Agnan, Y.
