Resistance of winter barley to attacks of Typhula incarnata Lasch in relation to the development stage and cold hardening of plants

  • Cavelier, M. (1987). Resistance of winter barley to attacks of Typhula incarnata Lasch in relation to the development stage and cold hardening of plants. Parasitica, 43: (3),
Type Journal Article
Year 1987
Title Resistance of winter barley to attacks of Typhula incarnata Lasch in relation to the development stage and cold hardening of plants
Journal Parasitica
Recnumber 32
Volume 43
Issue 3
Endnote Keywords Barley|host parasite relationships|cereals|plant pathology|plant pathogenic fungi|
Abstract In the field, resistance to T. incarnata is influenced by cold hardening of plants and the development stage at the start of incubation. These factors are strongly linked to sowing time and their effect depends on the duration of disease incubation. These factors were studied independently. Under light conditions similar to those in the field, hardened plants before and at the start of tillering are the most resistant to T. incarnata.
Notes Cited Reference Count: 24 ref. Journal article French
Author address Station de Phytopathologie de l'Etat, Gembloux, Belgium.
Lien ://19891129555
Authors Cavelier, M.