The iPot project: improved potato monitoring in Belgium using remote sensing and crop growth modelling

  • Goffart, J.P. , Curnel, Y. , Planchon, V. , Piccard, I. , Nackearts, K.. , Gobin, A. , Wellens, J. , Tychon, B. , Cattoor, N.. & Cools, R. (2015). The iPot project: improved potato monitoring in Belgium using remote sensing and crop growth modelling. Poster in: POTATOEUROPE 2015, Kain, 2-3-septembre-2015.
Type Poster
Year 2015
Title The iPot project: improved potato monitoring in Belgium using remote sensing and crop growth modelling
Event name POTATOEUROPE 2015
Event location Kain
Event date 2-3-septembre-2015
Type of poster Service-technique-foire
Authors Goffart, J.P., Curnel, Y., Planchon, V., Piccard, I., Nackearts, K.., Gobin, A., Wellens, J., Tychon, B., Cattoor, N.., Cools, R.
