Use of the milk MIR spectra with a lactation stage specific model to predict CH4 emitted by dairy cows.

  • Vanlierde, A. , Vanrobays, M.L. , Dehareng, F. , Froidmont, E. , Gengler, N. , Soyeurt, H. , Mcparland, S. , Lewis, E. , Deighton, M. & Dardenne, P. (2015). Use of the milk MIR spectra with a lactation stage specific model to predict CH4 emitted by dairy cows. Proceedings in: IDF/ISO Analytical Week and Symposium Optimir, 13-17 avril 2015,
Type Conference Proceedings
Year of conference 2015
Title Use of the milk MIR spectra with a lactation stage specific model to predict CH4 emitted by dairy cows.
Conference name IDF/ISO Analytical Week and Symposium Optimir
Recnumber 20
conference Date 13-17 avril 2015
Abstract Methane (CH4) is naturally produced by cattle during ruminal fermentation. Suppressing its production being not feasible, it is important to consider its mitigation as there are two important aspects linked to CH4: environmental concerns considering that CH4 is an important greenhouse gas; but also animal’s efficiency related concerns as CH4 represents also energy losses. The main levels of action are linked to the management of the herd, in particular feeding, genetics and animal’s productivity (eg. average milk production per day of life). For all cases, CH4 emissions have to be quantifiable on a large scale. An equation was developed to predict easily individual CH4 emissions from milk mid-infrared (MIR) spectra. Indeed at metabolic level, ruminal fermentations influence directly both CH4 eructation and certain milk components, especially fatty acids (FA). However relationships are more complicated as eg. milk FA composition is also dependent on the stage of lactation as rates of body tissue mobilization differ. Therefore MIR based prediction equation includes now the days in milk information to consider the expected changes in the relationship between CH4 and milk composition due to the metabolic status during lactation. A total of 532 CH4 reference data linked with the corresponding milk MIR spectra were used. The CH4 emission prediction (g CH4/day) showed a calibration coefficient of determination (R²c) of 0.74, a cross-validation coefficient of determination (R²cv) of 0.70 and the standard error of calibration (SEC) was 66 g/day. This equation can be applied on the milk MIR spectra routinely obtained during the milk recording to estimates CH4 emissions at individual, herd, regional and seasonal levels, and on different breeds.
Authors Vanlierde, A., Vanrobays, M.L., Dehareng, F., Froidmont, E., Gengler, N., Soyeurt, H., Mcparland, S., Lewis, E., Deighton, M., Dardenne, P.
