Variation of greenhouse gas emissions and identification of their drivers during the fattening of Belgian Blue White bulls based on a LCA approach

  • Mathot, M. , Elias, E. , Reding, E. , Vanlierde, A. , Reuter, W. , Planchon, V. & Stilmant, D. (2016). Variation of greenhouse gas emissions and identification of their drivers during the fattening of Belgian Blue White bulls based on a LCA approach Animal production science 56, 322-329.
Type Magazine Article
Year 2016
Title Variation of greenhouse gas emissions and identification of their drivers during the fattening of Belgian Blue White bulls based on a LCA approach
Magazine Animal production science
Label 584
Volume 56
Pages 322-329
Endnote Keywords life-cycle assessment, mitigation, system approach
Authors Mathot, M., Elias, E., Reding, E., Vanlierde, A., Reuter, W., Planchon, V., Stilmant, D.
