
Building Rachel Carson
Rue du Bordia, 11 5030 Gembloux Belgique Tel : +32 81 87 40 06 Fax : +32 81 87 40 16Les articles de Boris KRINGS
Scientific publications

Validation of an analytical method for glyphosate residues in soil without derivatization step using LC-MS/MS
Blondel, A. , Krings, B. , Ducat, N. & Pigeon, O. (2018). Validation of an analytical method for glyphosate residues in soil without derivatization step using LC-MS/MS. Proceedings...
Scientific publications

Validation of an analytical method for 1,2,4-triazole in soil using Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometry and monitoring of propiconazole degradation in a batch study
Blondel, A. , Krings, B. , Ducat, N. & Pigeon, O. (2018). Validation of an analytical method for 1,2,4-triazole in soil using Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Electrospray Tandem...

Plant protection products (PPP) residues analyses in food
Installation of field trials and analyses of samples in compliance with GLP for marketing authorization and risk assessment of PPPs.