Directeur scientifique d'Unité de Recherches - Prof. Invité Gembloux Agro Bio-Te

- +32 81 87 45 01
- +32 478 78 07 62
Les articles de José WAVREILLE
Press releases

Effects of Climate Change and Production Risk Management in Wallonia
Climate change increases the risk that extreme weather events will occur. The damage they cause to agro-ecosystems can be seen and makes an impression on the minds of both farmers...

The PPILOW project aims to co-construct through a multi-actor approach solutions to improve the welfare of poultry and pigs reared in organic and low-input outdoor farming systems....

CRA-W’s experimental piggery serves industrial research
Whereas CRA-W’s experimental farm is known for its zootechnical approaches with animals, it is also involved in more specific cooperative links that contribute to industrial research....

Should entire male pigs be housed in mixed fattening stalls?
Live surgical castration of piglets is routinely carried out on European farms. It is a means of preventing undesirable boar taint in pork meat. However, the practice is now being...