Marc LATEUR Chef de département a.i.


Chairman ECPGR Malus/Pyrus WG
Scientific publications

Les marqueurs moléculaires au service de l'arboriculture fruitière

Mingeot, D. , Magein, H. & Lateur, M. (2014). Les marqueurs moléculaires au service de l'arboriculture fruitière. Poster in: Agronomiquement vôtre, Gembloux, 13-14 juin.

Dominique MINGEOT Chef de département a.i.
Mingeot, D.
Scientific publications

Use of NIR spectroscopy to determine the polyphenol content in peel and flesh of apple cultivars.

Pissard, A.. , Baeten, V. , Dardenne, P. , Pompeu, D. , Mouteau, A. , Dupont, P. & Lateur, M. (2013). Use of NIR spectroscopy to determine the polyphenol content in peel and flesh...

Audrey PISSARD Chef de département a.i.
Pissard, A.
Scientific publications

Screening of Apple Cultivars for Resistance to European Canker, Neonectria ditissima

Gaskava-Gustavsson, L. , Zborowska, A. , Sehic, J. , Rur, M. , Nybom, H. , Englund, J.-. , Lateur, M.. , Van De Weg, E. & Holefors, A. (2013). Screening of Apple Cultivars for...

Marc LATEUR Chef de département a.i.
Lateur, M.
Scientific publications

cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Differentially Expressed Transcripts in Partially Resistant Apple Cultivar Leaves Infected by Venturia inaequalis

Bastiaanse, H.. , Pissard, A.. , Mingeot, D. , Muhovski, Y. , Jacquemin, J.. , Lepoivre, P. & Lateur, M. (2013). cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Differentially Expressed Transcripts in Partially...

 Chef de département a.i.
Scientific publications

Use of NIR Spectroscopy in an Apple Breeding Program for Quality and Nutritional Parameters

Pissard, A. , Bastiaanse, H.. , Baeten, V. , Sinnaeve, G. , Romnée, J.M. , Dupont, P. , Mouteau, A. & Lateur, M. (2013). Use of NIR Spectroscopy in an Apple Breeding Program for...

Audrey PISSARD Chef de département a.i.
Pissard, A.
Scientific publications

Classical and NIR measurements of the quality and nutritional parameters of apples: a methodological study of intra-fruit variability

Pissard, A. , Baeten, V. , Romnée, J. , Dupont, P. , Mouteau, A. & Lateur, M. (2012). Classical and NIR measurements of the quality and nutritional parameters of apples: a methodological...

Audrey PISSARD Chef de département a.i.
Pissard, A.
Scientific publications

Non-destructive measurement of vitamin C, total polyphenol and sugar content in apples using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)

Pissard, A. , Fernández Pierna, J.A. , Baeten, V. , Sinnaeve, G. , Lognay, G. , Mouteau, A. , Dupont, P. , Rondia, A. & Lateur, M. (2013). Non-destructive measurement of vitamin...

Audrey PISSARD Chef de département a.i.
Pissard, A.
Scientific publications

Alternative strategies using sulphur, copper and potassium bicarbonate for primary scab control in organic apple production in Belgium.

Jamar, L.. , Pahaut, B.. & Lateur, M.. (2008). Alternative strategies using sulphur, copper and potassium bicarbonate for primary scab control in organic apple production in Belgium....

Laurent JAMAR Chef de département a.i.
Jamar, L.
Scientific publications

Urgent need for new appel breeding methods better adapted to low-input agro-ecosystems.

Warlop, F.. , Dapena, E.. , Lateur, M.. , Bastiaanse, H.. , Blazquez, M.D.. , Fillatre, J.. , Gomez, C.. , Jamar, L.. , Leterme, E.. , Libourel, G.. , Minarro, M.. , Parveaud, C.E.....

Marc LATEUR Chef de département a.i.
Lateur, M.
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