- Biological engineering Unit
- Biodiversity and plant and forest improvement Unit
- Crops and forest health Unit
Chef de département a.i.
A web-based weather platform for real-time agro-meteorological data dissemination at high spatial (1km²) and temporal (hourly and daily) resolution
Pissard, A. , Jamar, L. , Baeten, V. & Lateur, M. (2018). Recherche et expérimentations pour optimiser la date de cueillette et limiter les pertes de fruits après récolte. Que...
Jamar, L. , Song, J. , Fauche, F. , Choi, J. & Lateur, M. (2018). Rainfastness of lime sulphur and other inorganic fungicides used for scab control in apple and pear production....
Jamar, L. , Pissard, A. , Baeten, V. & Lateur, M. (2019). Investigación y experimentaciones para optimizar la fecha de recolección y limitar las pérdidas de frutos después de la...
Pissard, A. , Baeten, V. , Dardenne, P. , Dupont, P. & Lateur, M. (2018). Use of NIR spectroscopy on fresh apples to determine the phenolic compounds and dry matter content in...
Vincke, D. , Durenne, B. , Mingeot, D. , Escarnot, E. , Jacquemin, G. , Ben Abdallah, F. , Curnel, Y. , Mauro, S. , Geerts, P. , Lateur, M.. , Planchon, V. , Baeten, V. , Vermeulen,...
Jamar, L. , Song, J. , Fauche, F. , Choi, J. & Lateur, M.. (2017). Effectiveness of lime sulphur and other inorganic fungicides against pear scab as affected by rainfall and timing...
Parisi, L. , Jamar, L. , Lateur, M.. , Laurens, F. & Lauri, P.E.. (2014). Adapting Apple Ideotypes to Low-Input Fruit Production Agro-Ecosystems, In: Organic farming, Prototype...
Tournant, L.. , Jamar, L. , Leleu Wateau, K. , Lateur, M.. , Masschelein, M. , Oste, S.. , Barbieux, J. , Sallets, P. , Grogna, P. & Delebecq, A. (2014). Auxiliaires, ravageurs,...