Attaché scientifique

Les articles de Olivier MOSTADE

Study of potato sprout inhibitor treatments with chlorprophame (or CIPC)
Noël, S. , Huyghebaert, B. , Pigeon, O. , Weickmans, B. & Mostade, O. (2004). Study of potato sprout inhibitor treatments with chlorprophame (or CIPC). Aspects of Applied Biology...

The heterogenecity of sprout inhibitor application with chlorpropham
Noël, S. , Huyghebaert, B. , Pigeon, O. , Weickmans, B. & Mostade, O. (2003). The heterogenecity of sprout inhibitor application with chlorpropham. Proceedings in: the 55th International...

Study of potatoes sprout inhibitor treatments with chlorprophame
Noël, S. , Huyghebaert, B. , Pigeon, O. , Weickmans, B. & Mostade, O. (2002). Study of potatoes sprout inhibitor treatments with chlorprophame. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent,...

Rinsing and management of pesticide containers
Huyghebaert, B. , Mostade, O. , Pigeon, O. , Galoux, M. & Oger, R. (2002). Rinsing and management of pesticide containers. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent.

Quality of spraying in apple orchard.
Mostade, O. , Jamar, L. , Huyghebaert, B. , Miserque, O. & Pigeon, O. (2008). Quality of spraying in apple orchard. Proceedings in: 10th International Congress on Mechanization...

Comparative performance of recycling tunnels and conventional sprayers using standard and drift-mitigating nozzles in dwarf apple orchards.
Jamar, L. , Mostade, O. , Huyghebaert, B. , Pigeon, O. & Lateur, M. (2010). Comparative performance of recycling tunnels and conventional sprayers using standard and drift-mitigating...

La fumure azotée.
Destain, J. , Couvreur, L. , Herman, J. , Goffart, J. , Reuter, V. , Mostade, O. , Huyghebaert, B. , Monfort, B. , Bodson, B. , Seutin, B. & Vancutsem, F. (2009). La fumure azotée....

Plant regeneration through callus initiation from thin mature embryo fragments of wheat
Delporte, F. , Mostade, O. & Jacquemin, J. (2001). Plant regeneration through callus initiation from thin mature embryo fragments of wheat. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture,...

Quality of spraying in apple orchards (abstract).
Mostade, O. , Jamar, L. , Huyghebaert, B. , Miserque, O. , Planchon, V. & Pigeon, O. (2008). Quality of spraying in apple orchards (abstract). Proceedings in: 10th International...