Speciation of mammalian MBM particles with NIRM and Real Time PCR analyses

  • Fumière, O. , Berben, G. , André, C. , Dardenne, P. , Baeten, V. & Fernández Pierna, J.A. (2005). Speciation of mammalian MBM particles with NIRM and Real Time PCR analyses. S.E.H.a.R.M.W.S.G.R. Burling-Claridge. Proceedings in: 12th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (ICNIRS): NIR in action, Auckland - New Zealand, 11-15/04/2005, Poster, 129-132.
Type Conference Proceedings
Year of conference 2005
Title Speciation of mammalian MBM particles with NIRM and Real Time PCR analyses
Editor S.E.H.a.R.M.W.S.G.R. Burling-Claridge
Conference name 12th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (ICNIRS): NIR in action
Conference location Auckland - New Zealand
Publisher Poster
Number of Volumes Poster
Edition Poster
Recnumber 504
Volume Poster
Pages 129-132
Label U15-0504
conference Date 11-15/04/2005
ISSN Poster
Endnote Keywords Meat and bone meal (MBM)|Near infrared microscopy (NIRM)|Particles|Mammalian|Real time PCR|
Abstract Speciation of mammalian MBM particles with NIRM and Real Time PCR analysis Fumière O.1, Berben G.1, Fernández J.A.2, André C.3, Dardenne P.1 & Baeten V.1 1Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Quality of Agricultural Products Department, Chaussée de Namur 24, 5030 Gembloux, Belgium (baeten@cra.wallonie.be) 2Scientific collaborator F.N.R.S. Statistics and Informatics Department, University of Agronomical Sciences, Avenue de la Faculté 8, 5030 Gembloux, Belgium. 3Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), Unité de Biochimie de la Nutrition, Place Croix du Sud 2 boîte 8, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium The total ban on meat and bone meal in feedingsuffs is the most important measure against the spread of the BSE. The Regulation (EC) N° 1774/2002 lays down health rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumption. The main principles described in this text are : no MBM whatever its origin in ruminant feed, no MBM from ruminant origin in any feed and no cannibalism. At present, classical microscopy remains the only official method to detect MBM in compound feeds. The method is, however, restricted to discriminate higher taxonomic groups such as terrestrial animal or fish and is largely dependent of the presence of bones. So, there is a crucial need of new reliable methods able to determine the species origin of MBM particles. The potential of near-infrared microscopy (NIRM) for the detection of meat and bone meals in feed was demonstrated. Nevertheless, an important challenge is the discrimination between mammalian species such as cattle and pig. Pure species animal meals (cattle and pig MBM) provided by the European Fats Processors and Rendering Association (EFPRA) were analysed by Real Time PCR to check the absence of any contamination. NIR microscope spectra of the particles were then acquired to develop species specific spectral libraries. As the NIRM methodology is a non destructive analysis, the species origin of each particle was controled again by Real Time PCR according an original protocol. Discriminant models able to classify the particles according to their species origin were built by testing different chemometric classification methods (PLS, ANN, SVM). The results show that NIRM has a promising potential to discriminate cattle from pig particles. Further works are in progress to identify also particles of sheep and chicken origin. Coupled in an original strategy, NIRM and Real Time PCR are two complementary techniques. NIRM can make the distinction between forbidden animal particles (e.a. meat, bones) and authorised ones (e.a. milk powder, blood). Real Time PCR can confirm the prediction of NIRM and help to build spectral libraries with authenticated particle spectras.
Author address Fumière Olivier, Quality Department of Agro-food Products, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Chaussée de Namur, 24, B-5030 Gembloux, fumiere@cra.wallonie.be
Caption U15-0504-fumière-2005.pdf
Authors Fumière, O., Berben, G., André, C., Dardenne, P., Baeten, V., Fernández Pierna, J.A.
