Frédéric VANWINDEKENS Bio-ingénieur



Building Arthur Petermann

Rue du Bordia, 4 5030 Gembloux Tel : +32 81 87 40 02 Fax : +32 81 87 40 12
I graduated in bio-engineering with a specialization in soil sciences from UCL (2004). My work experience is in education (teacher, teaching assistant), consultancy (environmental pollution) and agricultural research (CRA-W/UCL). As a researcher I focused on the study of people’s practices in socio-ecological systems: For my MSc thesis I explored the links between micro-finance, farmers’ equipment and soil degradation in the cotton area of Mali; in conjunction with an economist. For my PhD thesis (UCL/CRA-W, 2014) I developed a systems approach for modelling practices and applied it to studying complexity and diversity in grassland management (livestock grazing systems, Belgium). Now, my projects are linked to climate change, vulnerability of farms and resilience of farmers, soil management
Scientific publications

A quantitative approach of the slake test for assessing soil structural stabilty

Vanwindekens, F. , Hardy, B. , Roisin, C. & Delporte, F. (2020). A quantitative approach of the slake test for assessing soil structural stabilty. Proceedings in: EGU General Assembly...

Frédéric VANWINDEKENS Bio-ingénieur
Vanwindekens, F.
Scientific publications

Drivers of adoption of agroecological practices for winegrowers and influence from policies in the province of Trento, Italy

Garini, C.S. , Vanwindekens, F. , Scholberg, J. . . , Wezel, A. & Groot, J. . . (2017). Drivers of adoption of agroecological practices for winegrowers and influence from policies...

Frédéric VANWINDEKENS Bio-ingénieur
Vanwindekens, F.
Scientific publications

What do scientists and managers know about soil biodiversity? Comparative knowledge mapping for sustainable forest management

Vanermen, I. , Muys, B. , Verheyen, K. , Vanwindekens, F. , Bouriaud, L. , Kardol, P. & Vranken, L. (2020). What do scientists and managers know about soil biodiversity? Comparative...

Frédéric VANWINDEKENS Bio-ingénieur
Vanwindekens, F.
Scientific publications

Le sol en agriculture biologique ou de conservation : critères diagnostiques de son état de santé et effets des changements de pratiques

Hardy, B. , Vanwindekens, F. , Morelle, M. & Huyghebaert, B. (2021). Le sol en agriculture biologique ou de conservation : critères diagnostiques de son état de santé et effets...

Brieuc HARDY Bio-ingénieur
Hardy, B.
Scientific publications

Survey Data on European Organic Multi-Species Livestock Farms

Ulukan, D. , Steinmetz, L. , Martin, G. , Benoit, M. , Bernes, G. , Blanc, M. , Brock, C. , Destruel, M. , Dumont, B. , Lang, E. , Meischner, T. , Moraine, M. , Oehen, B. , Parsons,...

Scientific publications

Indicateurs directs et indirects pour l'optimisation de l'évaluation des émissions GES et du stockage de carbone par les exploitations wallones (INDIGESS)

Van Stappen, F. , Arlotti, D. , Vanwindekens, F. , Godden, B. , Mathot, M. , Loriers, A. , Vanlierde, A. , Dehareng, F. , Reuter, V. & Baeten, V. (2020). Indicateurs directs et...

Florence VAN STAPPEN Bio-ingénieur
Van Stappen, F.
Scientific publications

The Walloon farmers position differently their ideal dairy production system between a global-based intensive and a local-based extensive model of farm

Beckers, Y. , Brostaux, Y. , Dalcq, A. , Dogot, T. , Froidmont, E. , Soyeurt h, & Vanwindekens, F. (2020). The Walloon farmers position differently their ideal dairy production...

Eric FROIDMONT Bio-ingénieur
Froidmont, E.
Scientific publications

Effect of dietary tannins on milk yield and composition, nitrogen partitioning and nitrogen use efficiency of lactating dairy cows: a meta-analysis

Herremans, S. , Vanwindekens, F. , Decruyenaere, V. , Beckers, Y. & Froidmont, E. (2020). Effect of dietary tannins on milk yield and composition, nitrogen partitioning and nitrogen...

Scientific publications

Ideal future dairy farm : a walloon breeder's point of view

Dalcq, A.C. , Dogot, T. , Soyeurt, H. , Brostaux, Y. , Delhez, P. , Vanwindekens, F. , Froidmont, E. , Rondia, P. , Wyzen, B. , Masure, A. , Bauraind, C. & Beckers, Y. (2017)....

Frédéric VANWINDEKENS Bio-ingénieur
Vanwindekens, F.
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