Directeur scientifique d'Unité de Recherches - Prof. Invité Gembloux Agro Bio-Te

- +32 81 87 45 01
- +32 478 78 07 62
Les articles de José WAVREILLE

Welfare barriers and levers for improvement in organic and low-input outdoor pig and poultry production systems
Leterrier, C. , Bonnefous, C. , Niemi, J. , Akakpo, R. , Rangel Pedersen, N. , Shepens, R. , Almind, M. , Grenier, K. , Dubuc, D. , Le Lann, M.V. , Ponzio, R. , Mainardi, M. , Accoto,...

Intelligence artificielle et capteurs de données. Transformer les données en solutions agronomiques concrètes.
Planchon, V. , Rabier, F. , Wavreille, J. , Stilmant, D. , Huyghebaert, B. , Baeten, V. , Limbourg, Q. , Decruyenaere, V. , Mathy, D. , Rosillon, D. , Lucau-Danila, C. , Leclercq,...

Comment vulgariser efficacement les résultats de la recherche en productions animales vers un public d'enfants en bas âge ?
Boulet, L. , Mathieux, S. , Vanlierde, A. & Wavreille, J. (2023). Comment vulgariser efficacement les résultats de la recherche en productions animales vers un public d'enfants...

Free farrowing sows at a Walloon breeder's!
Prototypes for farrowing pens that allow the animal to move freely have returned results and meet the objectives

Apple pomace supplementation modulates colonic microbiota and increases the propionate ratio in an in vitro piglet gastrointestinal model
Dufourny, S. , Lebrun s, , Douny, C. , Dubois, B. , Scippo, M.L. , Wavreille, J. , Rondia, P. , Everaert, N. & Delcenserie, V. (2022). Apple pomace supplementation modulates colonic...

Apple pomace supplementation improve barrier function in post-weaning piglets
Arévalo Sureda, E. , Uerlings, J. , Dufourny, S. , Schroyen, M. , Delcenserie, V. , Rondia, P. , Wavreille, J. & Everaert, N. (2022). Apple pomace supplementation improve barrier...

Apple pomace supplementation modulates colonic microbiota promoting health benefits in post-weaning piglets
Arévalo Sureda, E. , Schroyen, M. , Dufourny, S. , Uerlings, J. , Rondia, P. , Delcenserie, V. , Wavreille, J. & Everaert, N. (2022). Apple pomace supplementation modulates colonic...

Lipid Serum Profiling of Boar-Tainted and Untainted Pigs Using GCXGC-TOFMS : An Exploratory Study
Bhatt, K. , Dejong, T. , Lena m. dubois, M.D. , Markey, A. , Gengler, N. , Wavreille, J. , Stefanuto, P.H. & Focant, J.F. (2022). Lipid Serum Profiling of Boar-Tainted and Untainted...

150 years of the CRA-W innovate video capsule
Innovating for ethical and sustainable animal production