
Solving the mysteries of the orange wheat blossom midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana)

Solving the mysteries of the orange wheat blossom midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana)

Between mid-April and mid-June the adult orange wheat blossom midges – tiny little midges – emerge in the fields in one or more waves. Having been fertilized, the females fly off in...

Integrated pest management: when growers become strategists

Integrated pest management: when growers become strategists

Slugs, weeds, fungi, insects, bacteria, rodents,… : cultivated plants have to contend with lots of pests. The aim of integrated pest management is not to eradicate them but to keep...

Grazing on lucerne: happiness is in the field

Grazing on lucerne: happiness is in the field

A pasture plant that’s economical, environmentally friendly and good for health? CRA-W says “Yes !” to grazing on lucerne

Utilising green gold and brown gold on our farms

Utilising green gold and brown gold on our farms

Following a question from a nature parc on how it can support its farming in the face of rising input prices, the level of utilisation of home-grown fodder resources and farmyard manure...

Daniel JAMAR
Jamar, D.
Potential of Soil Microbial Activity Stimulants in Pasture

Potential of Soil Microbial Activity Stimulants in Pasture

Pasture accumulates large amounts of organic matter in the top soil horizon. Although this plays a positive part to mitigate CO2 concentrations increase in the atmosphere, it may be...

Seutin, Y.
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