Sandrine MAURO Graduée

Sandrine MAURO

Scientific publications

Comparative proteomic analysis of potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars grown in hydroponics and subjected to different dosses of nitrate

Muhovski, Y. , Vertommen, D. , Pyr Dit Ruys, S. & Mauro, S. (2021). Comparative proteomic analysis of potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars grown in hydroponics and subjected...

Yordan MUHOVSKI Graduée
Muhovski, Y.
Scientific publications

Définition et développement d'outils permettant l'identification de génotypes associant résistance aux pathogènes & efficience d'utilisation de l'azote

Ben Abdallah, F. , Mauro, S. , Muhovski, Y. , Soete, A. , César, V. , Rolot, J.L. , Vincke, D. , Vermeulen, P. , San Martin, G. , Rousseau, G. , Vertommen, D. , Gillard, N. & Osorio...

Feriel BEN ABDALLAH Graduée
Ben Abdallah, F.
Scientific publications

Transcriptomics as a tool for identification of potato genotypes associating pathogen resistance and high efficiency of nitrogen utilization. Model: Solanum tuberosum x Phytophthora infestans x nitrogen

Muhovski, Y. , Antoine, A. , Gonzalez, E. & Mauro, S. (2019). Transcriptomics as a tool for identification of potato genotypes associating pathogen resistance and high efficiency...

Yordan MUHOVSKI Graduée
Muhovski, Y.
Scientific publications

Evaluation of three-dimensional gel electrophoresis to improve quantitative profiling of complex proteomes.

Colignon, B. , Raes, M. , Dieu, M. , Delaive, E. & Mauro, S. (2013). Evaluation of three-dimensional gel electrophoresis to improve quantitative profiling of complex proteomes....

Sandrine MAURO Graduée
Mauro, S.
Scientific publications

Dual coordination of the SUMOylation and phosphorylation pathways during the response to heat stress in Solanum tuberosum

Colignon, B. , Delaive, E. , Dieu, M. , Demazy, C. , Muhovski, Y. , Antoine, A. , Raes, M. & Mauro, S. (2019). Dual coordination of the SUMOylation and phosphorylation pathways...

Yordan MUHOVSKI Graduée
Muhovski, Y.
Scientific publications

Mass Spectrometry based Approaches for Analysing Proteins in Processed Food and Feed

Raes, M. , Planque, M. , Marbaix, H. , Gillard, N. , Lecrenier, M.C. , Dieu, M. , Mauro, S. , Arnould, T. & Renard, P. (2018). Mass Spectrometry based Approaches for Analysing...

Marie-Caroline LECRENIER Graduée
Lecrenier, M.C.
Scientific publications

Plant phenotyping activities at the Walloon Agricultural Research Centre

Vincke, D. , Durenne, B. , Mingeot, D. , Escarnot, E. , Jacquemin, G. , Ben Abdallah, F. , Curnel, Y. , Mauro, S. , Geerts, P. , Lateur, M.. , Planchon, V. , Baeten, V. , Vermeulen,...

Damien VINCKE Graduée
Vincke, D.
Scientific publications

Proteomic study of SUMOylation during Solanum tuberosum / Phytophthora infestans interactions

Colignon, B. , Dieu, M. , Demazy, C. , Delaive, E. , Muhovski, Y. , Raes, M. & Mauro, S. (2017). Proteomic study of SUMOylation during Solanum tuberosum / Phytophthora infestans...

Yordan MUHOVSKI Graduée
Muhovski, Y.
Scientific publications

Proteomic study of SUMOylation during Solanum tuberosum / Phytophthora infestans in (in-) compatible interactions

Colignon, B. , Dieu, M. , Demazy, C.. , Delaive, E. , Muhovski, Y. , Raes, M. & Mauro, S. (2017). Proteomic study of SUMOylation during Solanum tuberosum / Phytophthora infestans...

Yordan MUHOVSKI Graduée
Muhovski, Y.
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