Olivier, T. , Demonty, E. , Fauche, F. & Steyer, S. (2013). Generic detection and identification of pospiviroids. Proceedings in: 14ème Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, Aussois...
Olivier, T. , Demonty, E. , Fauche, F. & Steyer, S. (2013). Detection and identification of chrysanthemum tospoviruses. Proceedings in: 14ème Rencontres de Virologie Végétale,...
Olivier, T. , Demonty, E. , De Jonghe, K. , Morio, S. & Steyer, S. (2012). Survey of SLRSV, RpRSV, SMYEV and SCrV in Belgium. Poster in: 22nd International Conference on virus...
Olivier, T. , Demonty, E. , Peusens, G. , Belïen, T. & Steyer, S. (2012). First report of molecular identification of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri’ in pear trees in Belgium. Poster...
Olivier, T. , Demonty, E. , Govers, J. , Belkheir, K. , Huyshauwer, V. & Steyer, S. (2012). Occurrence of pospiviroids in potato, tomato and some ornamental plants in Belgium....
Olivier, T. , Demonty, E. , Govers, J. , Belkheir, K. & Steyer, S. (2011). First report of Brugmansia infected by Tomato apical stunt viroid in Belgium. Plant Disease, 95: 495.
Olivier, T. , Steyer, S. , Demonty, E. & Laurent, P. (2010). First report of molecular identification of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma mali' in apple trees in Belgium New Disease Reports...
Olivier, T. , Demonty, E. , Govers, J. , Belkheir, K. & Steyer, S. (2011). First report of a Brugmansia sp. Infected by tomato apical stunt viroid in Belgium. Plant Disease Reports,...
Steyer, S. , Demonty, E. , Collard, M. , Devaux, A. , Vancoppenolle, Y. & Bragard, C. (2005). Detection of BYDV by RT-PCR on single aphids in cereals and maize in Belgium. Parasitica,...