ClieNFarms – Transition to climate-neutral and resilient farms
Demonstrate, co-develop, improve technical, organisational and financial solutions at the farm level that will contribute to climate neutral and resilient farms
Co-construction of technical itineraries for production of pulses in mixed cropping systems, in order to support the development of associated sectors (AssoBio)
The AssoBIO project aims at co-construct and test production itineraries of mixed crops integrating grain legumes in organic farming.
Based on the study of 11 diverse European initiatives, the Agroecology-TRANSECT project aims to provide robust evidence of the benefits of agroecology.
Blanc Bleu Vert, combining animal and environmental performances
To consolidate the sustainability of the Belgian Blue White breeding sector by developing feed and genetic solutions improving environmental while maintaining.
SUSTAINBEEF : sustainable beef production
Co-definition and evaluation of SUSTAINable BEEF farming systems based on the valorisation of non-edible resources by humans.
Co-definition and evaluation of sustainable beef farming systems based on resources non edible by humans
Brochures and folders
Our technical publications, our thematic documents