Mathot, M. , Planchon, V. & Stilmant, D. (2016). Les légumineuses, un atout pour l'empreinte environnementale de nos systèmes agraires? Mille lieu, 3: 20.
Mathot, M. , Decruyenaere, V. , Lambert, R. & Stilmant, D. (2016). Deep litter removal frequency rate influences on greenhouse gas emissions from barns for beef heifers and from...
Mathot, M. , Elias, E. , Reding, E. , Vanlierde, A. , Reuter, W. , Planchon, V. & Stilmant, D. (2016). Variation of greenhouse gas emissions and identification of their drivers...
Van Stappen, F. , Mathot, M. , Decruyenaere, V. , Loriers, A. , Delcour, A. , Planchon, V. , Goffart, J.-. & Stilmant, D. (2016). Consequential environmental life cycle assessment...
Cremer, S. , Mathot, M. , Cugnon, T. & Lambert, R. (2016). Prairie. Faut-il utiliser des engrais soufrés? Wallonies Elevages, 10.
Mathot, M. (2016). Elevage et société. Problématique de l'environnement. Wallonies Elevages, 6-12.
Vanlierde, A. , Vanrobays, M.L. , Gengler, N. , Dardenne, P. , Froidmont, E. , Soyeurt, H. , Mcparland, S. , Lewis, E. , Deighton, M. , Mathot, M. & Dehareng, F. (2016). Milk mid-infrared...
Van Stappen, F. , Delcour, A. , Loriers, A. , Mathot, M. , Stilmant, D. , Decruyenaere, V. , Rabier, F. & Goffart, J.P. (2015). Local data for agricultural Life Cycle Assessment:...
Rabier, F. , Lioy, R. , Paulc, C. , Van Stappen, F. , Stilmant, D. & Mathot, M. (2015). Assessment of GHG emissions and their variability of meat production systems in Wallonia...