Attaché scientifique
Steyer, S. , Leal, C. , Gregoire, D. & Froidmont, D. (1999). Evaluation of barley yellow dwarf virus tolerance: a controlled field system compared with a molecular marker test....
Kummert, J. , Vendrame, M. , Steyer, S. & Lepoivre, P. (2000). Development of routine RT-PCR tests for certification of fruit tree multiplication material. Bulletin OEPP, 30: (3/4),...
Meunier, A. , Schmit, J. , Stas, A. , Marlier, A. , Wauters, A. , Steyer, S. & Bragard, C. (2000). The status of rhizomania in Belgium. Parasitica, 56: (2/3),
Kummert, J. , Vendrame, M. , Lepoivre, P. & Steyer, S. (2001). Development of routine RT-PCR ELOSA tests for fruit tree certification. Acta Horticulturae, (No.550 (Vol. 1)),
Stas, A. , Meunier, A. , Schmit, J. , Marlier, A. , Steyer, S. & Bragard, C. (2001). The beet soilborne pomovirus in Belgium and relationship with rhizomania. Mededelingen - Faculteit...
Vaianopoulos, C. , Legrève, A. , Barbier, A. , Steyer, S. , Maraite, H. & Bragard, C. (2003). Detection of Barley yellow mosaic virus and Barley mild mosaic virus by RT-PCR on...
Kummert, J. , Malice, M. , Marbot, S. , Lepoivre, P. , Steyer, S. & Oger, R. (2004). Sampling protocols and risk of error significance in molecular detection tests for fruit trees...
Olivier, T. , Kummert, J. & Steyer, S. (2004). First detection of European stone fruit yellows phytoplasma (ESFY) in Belgium. Acta Horticulturae, (No.657),
Steyer, S. (2005). Little cherry virus... some supplementary information. Fruit Belge, 73: (514),