Philippe VERMEULEN Responsable de projets



Building Maurice Henseval

Chée de Namur, 24 5030 Gembloux Belgique Tel : +32 81 87 40 09 Fax : +32 81 87 40 19
Ir. Philippe VERMEULEN is research engineer at the Valorisation of Agricultural Products Department at the Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W, Gembloux - Belgium). He got in 1988 his Engineer degree in Agricultural Sciences from the Catholic University of Louvain. During ten years, he worked in a breeding private company (Hybritech-Monsanto) on a European research program in hybrid wheat. Since 2001, he works in CRA-W, inside Quality and authentication of agricultural products Unit. He is involved in the development of spectroscopic methods for the control on-line of agro-food products and feed. He is also working in several studies to assess the quality of those products in the field, in the farm, in the greenhouse, in orchard and in the food/feed companies. He is also involved as dissemination officer through several European projects (Stratfeed 2001-2004; Trace 2005-2009; Conffidence 2008-2012) and networks (ICNIRS 2008-; EURL-AP 2007- ; Feedsafety 2007- ).
Scientific publications

Use of RGB image analysis in the lab and different tools developed to detect fusarium head blight symptoms in wheat in the lab and in the field

Vermeulen, P. , Henriet, F. , Jacquemin, G. , Dandrifosse, S. , Rousseau, D. , Garbouge, H. & Cadot, V. (2024). Use of RGB image analysis in the lab and different tools developed...

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications

Plant Health: Validated sensors and methodology applicable for biotic stresses in wheat

Vermeulen, P. , Cadot, V. & Herrera, J. (2024). Plant Health: Validated sensors and methodology applicable for biotic stresses in wheat. Lecture in: PHENET Webinar: biotic interaction...

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications

Counting the number of orange wheat blossom midge (OWBM) larvae on wheat ears using RGB images

Dandrifosse, S. , Jacquemin, G. , Henriet, F. , Gruntowy, J. , Maigniel, J-P. , Cadot, V. & Vermeulen, P. (2024). Counting the number of orange wheat blossom midge (OWBM) larvae...

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications

Phenomics – Study case : Detection of fusarium head blight (FHB) on wheat

Vincke, D. , Eylenbosch, D. , Treier, S. , Mascher, N. , Herrera, J. , Cadot, V. & Vermeulen, P. (2024). Phenomics – Study case : Detection of fusarium head blight (FHB) on wheat....

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications

Phenomics Study case: FHB detection in wheat

Vermeulen, P. (2024). Phenomics Study case: FHB detection in wheat. Lecture in: Final Innovar/Invite conference, Bruxelles, Belgium, 28 November 2024.

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications

Apport de la spectroscopie et de l'imagerie pour le phénotypage des productions végétales: Activités de phénotypage au CRA-W

Vermeulen, P. (2024). Apport de la spectroscopie et de l'imagerie pour le phénotypage des productions végétales: Activités de phénotypage au CRA-W. Lecture in: L'apport de la spectroscopie...

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications

Capteurs dans le proche infrarouge pour la qualité des fourrages

Vermeulen, P. , Scaut, B. , Brichard, S. , Delforge, L. , Decruyenaere, V. , Deryck, A. , Demoitié, C. & Baeten, V. (2024). Capteurs dans le proche infrarouge pour la qualité des...

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications

Detection of common bunt disease in wheat kernels and ears using visible and near-infrared hyperspectral imaging

Demoitié, C. , Vincke, D. , Eylenbosch, D. , Meza Morales, W.R. , Bataille, C. & Vermeulen, P. (2024). Detection of common bunt disease in wheat kernels and ears using visible...

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications

Outils innovants pour le phénotypage des cultures

Joissains,M. , Vincke, D. , Demoitié, C. , Janssens, E. , Jonard, C. , Leclère,L. , Limbourg, Q. , Jacquemin, G. , Eylenbosch, D. & Vermeulen, P. (2024). Outils innovants pour...

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
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